Have you ever experienced the joy of picking a fistful of flowers from a garden or a meadow to give to a special someone who kept this cherished gift- and the thought that accompanied it - for as long as possible? I certainly have! Growing up in Europe during part of my childhood, I always admired the flowers that were artfully displayed in homes, storefront windows and in open markets making the environment come alive with color, scent, beauty and even whimsy.
Flowers have always been a personification of beauty, inspiration, elation, and warmth for me. They ignite all of my senses and spark my native ability to create floral designs that are unique and expressive, whether they are contemporary and abstract or traditional and elegant. I have always been consumed by a love of flowers and a creative desire to arrange them into designs that exhibit their vibrant colors, vivid textures and vast variety in size and shape. Indeed, seeing a rose or a sunflower in full bloom has always been a cherished and inspirational gift to my soul and to my spirit.
What began more than fifteen years ago as desire to create unique and personal silk floral arrangements for my family and friends, has evolved into a calling to design custom permanent botanical arrangements (today's term for "silk" floral arrangements) for anyone who wants to bring the look, beauty and warmth of fresh flowers into their home and/or business without having the need to replace them every few weeks. I am a self-taught floral designer who has been blessed by a passionate gift to create, and I love every moment of it!
"We strive for excellence in serving your needs with uncompromised service and personal attention."
After years of practice, Romy has found that gently taming and suggesting shape yields the most elegant results. Even when she started small with wallets back in 1987, she always matched her meticulousness with curiosity. Travelling around the globe, she has studied various techniques and designs that have helped her cultivate a singular yet international style. Today, she has a few apprentices of her own and spends most of her time crafting with them in her Montréal studio. She still makes time to learn new techniques and exhibits at tradeshows all around the world.
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