Hi, Iā€™m Carolyn, and I love flowers!

For me, flowers personify beauty, happiness, and love. Being around them is an uplifting, inspirational gift to my soul.

Growing up in Europe during part of my childhood, I loved seeing flowers cascade from alpine window boxes like majestic waterfalls made of colorful fanciful petals. Flowers made spaces come alive with color, scent, and even whimsy.

I love nature, design, and working with my hands. And as much as I love fresh flowers, I wanted to create lasting floral arrangements that people could enjoy for many years.


Work Experience

Lorem ipsum, Design Editor
Nam Interdum, Creative Director
Vestibulum Eget, Creative Director
Nulla Varius, Editor
Tortor Quis Ante, Art Director
Gravida Ultrices, Art Director




